#INFLUENCERDRIVE: Christel Holst-Sande Cowdrey .
#INFLUENCERDRIVE. Well, it’s the series with the biggest hits, so far. Which means, we are picking the biggest hitters, right? And one cannot really get much higher an achiever than an all-round polymath: She’s clever, intuitive, insightful, glamorous, ambitious and fascinating. Queen of Chelsea herself, Christel Holst-Sande Cowdrey. We were lucky enough to be able to pick the lady’s brains on a number of life enhancing topics. Here we go! 1: Plug your latest project(s). What are you up to and when can we see/hear about it etc? In February 2023, my second book, How to Fire Your Husband in Easy Steps (A Miraculous Divorce) will be launched. Alongside, will be the book of steps and an online course. My first book Imagine A Healthy You went to international bestseller status, which was so exciting (and mind boggling), but then, the purpose of writing a book is to inspire and maybe help another in succeeding ...