It's time for transport to become truly smart, mobile and connected. Thankfully, the UK Parliament agrees!

On September 9, 2020, the UK government released a response to the Smart Data Review from the previous year. "Smart Data's next moves. Open Banking, which predated it by about a decade, was mentioned as an example of how to "put consumers and SMEs in charge of their data and enable innovation." The primary motivator being legislation to support and assist in its adoption.

Transport is mentioned specifically in relation to "legislating to require participation." The authors make it very clear that they want to "mandate corporate involvement in Smart Data programmes across the economy" through law.

Data within various accounts of any method of transportation can be linked using "bottom-up" ways to open and smart transport data. However, a "top-down" mandate requiring participation from the entire industry speeds up adoption for the benefit of customers.

To take your own proactive role in this? Get a head-start, here:

Sustainability Roadmap

And: City Maps

Or: Augmented World

And this company, right here, which I have come across in my research.

If you are still reading at this stage then also check out these two:




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