
World Mental Health Day. Points to Note

The very fact that we have a day to monitor and promote wellbeing? Is something to celebrate! Here are some gratuitous tips to add to the in tray of advice you may hear today.  1: Mental HEALTH.   Note. Not mental 'illness'. That positive reclaiming of language? Is itself, a step forward. You need not be 'ill' to stay 'well'. IE: taking good care of your wellbeing,. psychological mood etc. All good.  Proactive. Pre-emptive protection of YOUR mind/soul and its physical and professional crossovers. Those are no longer privileges but essential RIGHTS. USE THEM! 2: Recognise the signs.   Depression vs melancholia? Both can be deadly and destructive. In any event, try and nip negativity in the bud. We all have bad days, momentary sighs of despair and sadness. But if those become pervasive and core to your outlook? And your energy feels drained? GET HELP.  A Doctor may prescribe something, yes. There is no stigma to saying yes. Equally? No problem asking to reduce/mov...

#INFLUENCERDRIVE: Christel Holst-Sande Cowdrey .

    #INFLUENCERDRIVE. Well, it’s the series with the biggest hits, so far. Which means, we are picking the biggest hitters, right? And one cannot really get much higher an achiever than an all-round polymath: She’s clever, intuitive, insightful, glamorous, ambitious and fascinating. Queen of Chelsea herself, Christel Holst-Sande Cowdrey. We were lucky enough to be able to pick the lady’s brains on a number of life enhancing topics. Here we go!           1: Plug your latest project(s). What are you up to and when can we see/hear about it etc? In February 2023, my second book, How to Fire Your Husband in Easy Steps (A Miraculous Divorce)   will be launched. Alongside, will be the book of steps and an online course. My first book Imagine A Healthy You went to international bestseller status, which was so exciting (and mind boggling), but then, the purpose of writing a book is to inspire and maybe help another in succeeding ...

#INFLUENCERDRIVE: Annabel Schofield

We have been paying attention to Women in industries. You should, too. So, this week: let me introduce ANNABEL SCHOFIELD.  Ms Schofield kindly sat down and agreed to collaborate on, amidst her busy schedule.  You are about to read about Annabel's inspirational journey: past, present and future. Beautiful, all of it!  Here. We. GO!.. 1: Plug your latest project(s). What are you up to and when can we see/hear about it etc?  I am in the pre-pre production stages of my first feature film as producer. It’s a script called Schwinn Varsity and I’ve been working on it since 2017. It’s a coming of age, road-trip comedy which will shoot early next year in Los Angeles. Hopefully will be completely finished by autumn 2023.  Set in the summer of 1977, this not-quite coming-of-age comedy centers on two 14-year-old boys who undertake an epic, two-day bicycle trek across suburban St. Louis, finding adventure and peril along the way. Their goal? A legendary motherlode of adult ...

Tech vs Floods: Yes, we CAN help in the management of Mother Nature. Here's How. Sorta.

  FLOOD EXPO 2022 AND THE CONNECTION TO NEW MAPPING PLATFORM TECH (and yes, dammit: time to admit, this was and indeed, IS an Urban Hawk backed Blog!). #notanadvert ;) There are countless contexts in which the #POLARONWORLDENGINE can and will be applied by URBAN HAWK . Each area will be, gradually and carefully, unveiled and explored. Self contained and yet connected, logically.  Gamified, professionally relevant, insurance savvy, commercially aware!  AI/VR/AR friendly, accessible, up to the minute, state of the art visual mapping.  All launched in partnership with specific platforms, across sectors. Now, we cannot give away ALL our secrets. That would spoil the surprise, box us in and be bad business. What we CAN reveal, however, is that the pilot programme is imminent, starting OCTOBER, 2022. #POLARONISCOMING!  This will be a mainly B2B effort, at first. The B2C dimension will grow both organically and fairly quickly, from that sure footing. Influencer drives,...