World Mental Health Day. Points to Note
The very fact that we have a day to monitor and promote wellbeing? Is something to celebrate!
Here are some gratuitous tips to add to the in tray of advice you may hear today.
1: Mental HEALTH.
Note. Not mental 'illness'. That positive reclaiming of language? Is itself, a step forward. You need not be 'ill' to stay 'well'. IE: taking good care of your wellbeing,. psychological mood etc. All good.
Proactive. Pre-emptive protection of YOUR mind/soul and its physical and professional crossovers. Those are no longer privileges but essential RIGHTS. USE THEM!
2: Recognise the signs.
Depression vs melancholia? Both can be deadly and destructive. In any event, try and nip negativity in the bud. We all have bad days, momentary sighs of despair and sadness. But if those become pervasive and core to your outlook? And your energy feels drained? GET HELP.
A Doctor may prescribe something, yes. There is no stigma to saying yes. Equally? No problem asking to reduce/move away from whatever meds you are placed on. That is why there are medication reviews, in built, to any regime.
3: Therapy.
It is available on NHS, to some extent. But yes, expect backlogs/delays/form filling. So by all means, cast the net wider and seek a professional counsellor/therapist on your own terms. Do they charge? Yep. You bet!
But not every practitioner costs a fortune. You don't have to go every week and even in times of financial pressure, that oxygen of just mapping through your feelings past/present can help save your future. In an emergency: call the Samaritans. They ARE very good. And do save lives.
4: Use #TECH!
So may apps can help you. Monitoring your wellbeing. Inspiring new goals, training regimes and so on. Connecting communities. Enabling escapes. Scout the 'net for the best ones to suit you. Download to phone. See if it works. If not? Just press 'uninstall'! Simple!
Lots of facebook posts et al tell you 'I'm here anytime'. Fine. Reality is, NOBODY can promise that. Think upon friends as an escape from rather than part OF that which is bringing you down. Of course, confide in them when they know something is up. But never become over-reliant/co-dependent. Because frankly and brutally? That then becomes part of rather than solution to the problem faced.
6: WORK is all about balance.
Some of us live to work as much as work to live. Fine. ENJOY IT! But remember, you need not be defined by where you are 'at' in career/profession/status. Those things ARE vital and denial of that is itself, arguably, negative. But make sure it is YOUR ambition and vision being executed, to its best, within reason/around inevitable limitations.
Never give up. Do not allow yourself to be bullied at work, as employee or in any other capacity. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS whilst working your hardest, giving your very best and yes, waking up to ENJOY both the endeavour and its rewards, whilst asserting other options where you must.
Easier said than done? Maybe. And yet, even 20 minutes of that bit of exercise / that box-set/podcast, daily? CAN inject life and hope and energy. Get as much rest as you need. Napping is great.
TRY for the 8 hour sleep thing and fix insomnia same way you must police all other areas of physical and mental wellbeing. Try new hobbies. Enjoy experiences. Check up on your friends. Support local community centres/art initiatives/businesses. Get out there. LIVE LIFE and LOVE it.
Or: Augmented World
And this company, right here, which I have come across in my research.
If you are still reading at this stage then also check out these two:
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