#INSTAINFLUENCERS. Sarah Gray at the Royal Academy of Arts
Last week. There was a little thing called a train strike.
The bad news? I could not visit the ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS SUMMER EXHIBITION!
The good to great news? I had a friend who ran to my aid and attended in my absence.
Her name is SARAH GRAY.
We have been friends for around a decade, now. Sarah once hosted me for tea, after I attended the MILIPOL conference in Paris. I was struck by her kindness, generosity, talent, beauty and vision.
Now based in London, Ms Gray is what one might term a polymath. Good at and interested in, everything! A fantastic mother of two great kids; businesswoman; designer; photographer and activist.
There is an old school, glacial, Grace Kelly like glamour to Sarah. But also, a compassionate, comforting aura.
A supernatural quality.
It occurred to me that, though it is indeed necessary to reach out and meet new 'influencers' via Instagram etc? I have an army of inspirational content creators, readied to mobilise. Sarah is among the original and best.
Sarah was THE natural choice to attend the Royal Academy event. Her photographs punctuate this piece, throughout. A joy to view!
Sarah cares, deeply, about #sustainability, whilst understanding that the term can be whatever people make it.
One must therefore be wary of corporate jargon over genuine meditative contemplation on an issue.
She 'gets' that balance where many do not.
Hence, her Vedanta interest?
'Vedanta rids the mind of desires by bringing a calm mind through subjective study. Desires fill the head with agitations, you cannot perform your best with agitations.
The top CEOs in the world who are successful, especially Indians, have all done self development. Vedanta is for the intellectually developed. The mind is feelings, the intellect is reasoning/thinking.
The intellect is more subtle than the mind. You control your mind, you control your actions in life. Mind and intellect need to work together to live the best life. Trust me, it works!'
Have a look, yourselves, below:
- Instagram https://instagram.
com/vedanta_institute_london? igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= @vedanta_institute_london - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.
com/company/ vedantainstitutelondon/ - Website www.vedanta.org.uk
And: City Maps
Or: Augmented World
And this company, right here, which I have come across in my research.
If you are still reading at this stage then also check out these two:
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