How do we map the future?
Simple answer: the future is NOW. HERE.
1: Watch every current affairs talking point. If people are angry /annoyed/concerned? Chances are, tech has a solution!
2: Watch every tech company initiative. The ones that trend. Also, the ones that don't yet!
3: Check Linkedin : Pulse, especially, and its twitter pitches are legendary!
4: Pitch, baby, pitch! If you THINK you have 'that' idea for a tech start up to fly? Chances are, you might!
5: Check the social medias: what topics are trending? Chances are, at least one holds the key to the next app/pitch etc?
6: Consider YOUR personal experience. What are YIU lacking or missing in life and how can tech maybe help with that?
7: Survey the market! Which tech start-ups are growing and flying, vs which are tanking / stalling? Therein, lies a clue to what the future might hold and how you factor in said.
8: Watch your competition. Whatever it is that they do, now? YOU must do, better, TOMOWRROW
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