What to Expect from a Musk Led Twitter

 In short? It becomes just like a CITY!

Seriously. The Smart City theme is everywhere. Even here. 

Elon Musk now owns Twitter. 

Anyone would swear it were some Armageddon level event; an end of the world scenario? Threats of multiple migration toward exodus; political meltdowns and so on. 

People are forgetting a few critical points, there:

1: Musk is a POST Ideological figure. 

His concern is about FREEDOM. Liberation from needless cost, concern, red tape and so on. 

Now, whilst of course no science, tech or business can be truly 'neutral' at a moral level, it is spectacularly unfair to paint Elon as some agent for the resurgent right wing. 

FREE speech means just that: FREE (as in, unfettered) but also SPEECH (as in aiding communication, commerce and evading the destructive trolling of old)


2: Twitter becomes a truly 'open' space. 

  • Much like what we said about Facebook last week: think upon a social media platform as a virtual LIVING space. In that sense, much like a CITY. Cities, at their very worst = dystopian symbols of decay, destruction and despotism. 
  • Like it or not, Twitter WAS in danger of becoming exactly like that. Fine for some and their viewpoints, but downright dangerous to those who dared float a more conservative take on matters? It also took an age to repel stalkers, trolls, ID thieves and the like. 

  • There was draconian security in place if a tweet were misread by a bot / enemy; but just try putting in a claim against a genuine comment of violent / harassing / defamatory nature. Took ages! 
  • In effect, therefore, it was becoming 1984 meets Time Machine: haves and have nots, at war, in chaos, with only an elite few enjoying protection and prosperity. 

  • Musk is not here to unleash hate speech but CURTAIL it; free speech is NOT 'hate' speech. Equally, with more advanced AI in place and genuinely vigilant human teams at ready, YOU can tweet what YOU want, on the understanding that you can be critical, controversial, even but never a prima facie 'treat' to the site and its fellow users. 
  • In THAT sense? The dystopia becomes UTOPIA. 
  • Musk is your Thomas More! Which means..

3: Sell! Buy! Debate! Enjoy! Express! Co-Exist, in Commerce, Community and Care?

IE: The platform becomes a virtual CITY! 

It can be a place to experiment with all experiences of life and work, rather than simply writing limited character micro statements or sharing links on said. A 'freemium' model may help with that. 

A site that you can mould to your agenda, if that has some innate capacity for traction and you have the vision, charm and work ethic to make that work! YOUR innovation now has greater chance of WINNING! 

The drawback, of course, is that everything becomes more competitive and the very nature/visual schematic/use patterns/coding/format etc change. 

And yet that is a good thing. If you don't change, you die. Sorry to be so blunt. But that's how nature set things up and it applies to technological tools and AI every bit as much as any animal/human intelligence. 

Cities are tough, of course. So is social media, even at its best! Yet they are or at least ought be, agencies of freedom; with both aim and method of technological progression, in tandem with societal opportunity. 

That is why tools (like THIS one, here: #POLARONWORLDENGINE from URBAN HAWK LTD) are becoming so important. And now, thanks to Mr Musk? They have TWITTER as an ally rather than adversary. 


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