Facebook: How not to be either Villain or Victim on the still Thriving Social Network

 Connection to cities? FACEBOOK IS A CITY! AN ECOSYSTEM! 

Yes. That's right. Facebook remains a vital tool. 

Contrary to some narratives? you CAN use Facebook for business and indeed, publicity / sales drives etc. And it remains, at point of use/time of writing, 'free', thereby facilitating connection and communication with friends, family and the like, worldwide. 

  • Has its 'influence' been tagged more by Instagram: maybe. 
  • Is it the 'viral' back door that now occupies the likes of Pinterest? Maybe not. 
  • And Twitter grabs the headlines on politics and the like. 
  • But Facebook still stands. And it always will. 
  • Which is WHY, effective immediately? 
  • Seriously. Do you want to be a victim OR  a villain in YOUR city? No!  

So, akin to SIMS / Second-Life and yes, any 'Smart-City' application/design? Build the Facebook YOU want. MANAGE that PROFILE! 

Here is a non exhaustive list of how to do that, in terms of traps to avoid / pitfalls to evade and opportunities still to seize. Here. We. Go!


You CAN design a Facebook experience that suits YOUR needs. As in: privacy settings. Ensure you set that so that only those you trust can view the content you post. There are some minor says over adverts and filters and all sorts. Check those out. READ. RE-READ. APPLY. And remember you CAN change them!


Feel free to delete photos and posts, every now and then. Seriously. Where does it say that a post has to be out there forever? NOWHERE. Now, yes, someone MIGHT have taken screenshots etc. But if so? That's on them, right? And yes. You CAN deactivate/delete account or just NOT POST for a bit. It's allowed! 


  • There is a nonsense myth that you cannot add 'people you don't know'. Why? How else might one communicate and get to know new people? THINK! Be cautious, for sure. 
  • Equally though? If there is a genuine, verifiable, semi-famous hero or something in your circle? And you can, by consent, 'add'? Why-ever not? 
  • Just do not get stalky or over-keen and equally, if they do, then abort mission and 'block', albeit after some courteous and calm consideration. 
  • You can build networks online. Just be careful HOW you do that and with WHOM. Because therein lies the victim/villain trap. 
  • Too many 'friends' does not look cool, unless you are an official fan page or something. It looks DEEPLY suspect and also, makes you CATNIP, for stalkers/launderers/ID thieves/idiots/weirdos/the works. 


  • On one hand? GREAT to have lots of friends with differing opinions and interests and experiences to share. 
  • On the other? If your friend list even APPROACHES the 1000 mark? BIG. MISTAKE. Save that for your company page or brand etc. Once again. THINK. Would you hold a house party with a 1000 people? No. Don't be silly. Unless you run a rock festival or something. Or: if you are a villain, running something well dodgy? Or are a TARGET for said. 
  • Villain/victim: that motif, again! Equally: would YOU want a NEIGHBOUR holding parties like that, every night? NO! 
  • So if you are attracting lots of unwanted ads/unwelcome friend requests etc? 
  • Chances are, it's because you need an audit and cull of your own network.


  • Sorry. But think about it. There is no fast and easy route to fame, fortune and friendship. Even online, as in life/cities. 
  • IF THEY/IT look(s) too good to be true? Then it probably is not 'true'. Dangerous, even, no matter how much money they are claiming to splash around, in every sense. There is a 'type'. Beware! 
  • Litmus test: are they 'on' Facebook, a LOT? Then that might be fine and just a messenger log in or something. Equally, though? They MIGHT be a pathetic predator. Walter Mitty Seamus O'Bonds at best. At worst? DEEPLY suspect. 
  • Network and build: yes. 
  • But it must be EARNED and HONED and as SAFE as it can be (and indeed, should be) EXCITING! 


  • Cities = big FUN. Glamour! Power! Social intercourse
  • Not just work. Facebook, likewise. Seriously. NOBODY wants to drain the fun. 
  • But keep it safe. Everything in life is a risk, for sure. Just measure it. Never go beyond what feels 'right' at common sense level. 
  • That probably includes what you reveal about yourself, your friends and family and the photos to match. 
  • You do not OWE ANYONE a life story/relationship status/job history/ or running commentary on where you are and what you do. 
  • NOBODY NEEDS or indeed, WANTS, your free political opinion or pitch for a novel/movie etc. 
  • But they MIGHT like: ideas for what to see /do; harmless and fast online games (nb ones that do NOT just scoop up your identity) and tips on everything from cooking to interior design.

For everything else? There are tailored platforms, of which Facebook is but ONE. And there is also, this little thing called FACE TO FACE, REAL LIFE? Try it, sometime. And yes, feel free to 'facebook' (yep; 'tis a verb now) that experience, just with the caveats above, in mind ;). 

So: Facebook is a CITY. Do not be either its villain or victim in residence and keep it as a safe and prosperous place in which to play. 

THIS company can help you navigate both real and virtual cityscapes. And yes, they have a Facebook page! 


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